It was a historic moment indeed for Internet technology in Bangladesh. Just 3 hours ago, Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Ltd started its Wimax sercie in Bangladesh by introducing Qubee Wimad service. At the same time, the company has also inaugurated Qubee ‘flagship store’ in Gulshan, Dhaka. I got the invitation to attend the program but I was some sick and could not go there. However, I sent my photographer A
bdul Aziz Liton and he recorded the entire ceremony and also took the pictures and did some video. There was a press release in Bangla and I have translated it in English that you can find a little later in this entry. Qubee will launch its new WiMAX service, for both commercial and residential users, in Dhaka at the beginning of October. From there it plans to rapidly build-out its network and extend its services into the other major population areas -- and eventually across the country.
Qubee will launch its new WiMAX service, for both commercial and residential users, in Dhaka at the beginning of October. From there it plans to rapidly build-out its network and extend its services into the other major population areas -- and eventually across the country. Qubee’s WiMAX (News - Alert)-based broadband service is already available in Pakistan and is set to launch in Bangladesh at the beginning of October.
The company has reportedly been working with consultants and local telecoms experts to identify the requirements for customer support. It reportedly selected Interactive Intelligence’s contact center platform because it is entirely software-based and is modular in architecture, so can be scaled to match requirements as Qubee grows in the region.
It also didn’t hurt that Interactive Intelligence already has some installations in the region and is therefore able to provide support.
"The existing users of Interactive Intelligence in Bangladesh showed me how well the system works, and we have had excellent continuing response from the whole company," said Anna Jordan, Qubee director of marketing, in a press release. "They have proved to be very reactive and very good at delivering to our tight timescales."
Qubee is also reportedly using Interactive Intelligence’s training services to train new agents on how to use, expand and support the system.
The new contact center will deliver customer service in two languages, Bangla and English.
"Markets like Bangladesh are currently limited by slow, unreliable and expensive internet connections," Jordan explained. "But there is a very hungry customer base. We need to make our customers feel supported and secure in using our services.”
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