
Friday, April 23, 2010

WiMAX Equipments-Antenna-USB-CPE

BSNL WiMAX Customer Premises Equipments [CPE]

There are 3 types of Customer Premises Equipment, viz USB dongle for mobility, indoor type CPE and Outdoor CPE for fixed wireless broadband connectivity. Customers can avail any type of CPE depending on the requirement. All the CPEs can be taken anywhere in the coverage area even though the USB dongle is the most convenient for mobility. The indoor CPE and outdoor CPEs are better for areas with poorer signal strength, the outdoor CPE being the best as it has an antenna which can be placed in the outdoor and connected to the CPE with a 10m cable.

There are laptops available in the market from various vendors with inbuilt WiMax CPE. In such cases, the services alone can be taken from BSNL.
The list of Bulit in wimax laptops

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